MAKING FRIENDS WITH ALL OF YOU: Intro to Deep Self Design®

Learn to befriend your Inner World in a two-day, live, online workshop

There’s an unseen producer of your lived experience called the Inner World. This world is your personal, internal tide of thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions, beliefs, and stories about reality. It occurs largely outside of your awareness yet directly impacts your choices, behaviors, and decision-making, defining your felt sense of well-being and directing your energy and potential.

Anyone can soften or dissolve barriers to confident, wholehearted living, and it starts with turning toward the Inner World and learning to navigate its terrain with patience, respect, and benevolent regard—as a good friend to yourself.

This multi-sensory, collaborative experience uses creative techniques to show you how to work with unmet and invisible internal data so you’re not in your own way when it comes to designing your life. You’ll learn the why and how of becoming your greatest ally and, in doing so, you’ll become your own power source, consciously co-creating with the Inner World and improving the outer world in the process.

Upcoming Workshop: July 17 & 18, 2024

Workshop fee: $488

The method of Deep Self Design® (DSD) is profound but the aim of it is quite simple:

To become respectful of, familiar with, and friendly toward your Inner World so that when you want to feel better or do something meaningful like find your voice, live into your integrity, or take a creative risk—you are not in your own way.

DSD is ultimately about learning to befriend every aspect of your Inner World through practice over time—the wounds, the treasures, the shadows, the strengths, the muck—so that nothing blocks the expression of your gifts. This work clears the channel for your life force to shine through. It demystifies subtle perceptions of the heart and mind and teaches you how to pause, turn inward, ask questions and make friends with your inner terrain to resolve the past, recalibrate the present, and dramatically improve the future.

If you practice DSD earnestly and consistently, you can trust that how you experience life will change for the better. The benefits are infinite and myriad, but here are some examples:

  • You’ll speak in places you would previously not have spoken.

  • You’ll say no to what you don’t want to do and and yes to what you do want to do.

  • You’ll learn to smile at fear. In fact, you’ll learn to welcome ALL uncomfortable and unpleasant emotions so that they no longer unconsciously drive your decisions.

  • You’ll be less reactive to irritants, challenges, and breakdowns in the world. You’ll be in charge of your attention and energy. You won’t bite the hooks other people throw out.

  • You’ll start to feel that your needs matter and you’ll be able to either meet them yourself or make a clean request if you need support from others.

  • You’ll embody a confidence that no one and nothing can take away.

  • Your alleged “imperfections,” “too-much-ness” or “not-enough-ness” will not preoccupy your attention. You will not only learn to accept yourself; you will start to deeply respect yourself. You will feel the immensity of your personal power.

  • You will strengthen your integrity, honoring and living into the personal core values that mean the most to you.

  • You will take whatever creative risk you want to—on purpose, by choice, and with courage.

Read more about the Deep Self Design® method here.

Respectfully Befriend your Inner World through Deep Self Design®

In this workshop, you will explore:


How to become respectfully aware of the the invisible forces that are in YOU—not in the world—that invisibly but powerfully influence the direction of your life.


How WE create much of our experience and, therefore, have astonishingly more agency than we realize to function as co-creators of our lived experiences rather than subjects to them.


How to work with the Inner World to soften, dissolve, or reconcile invisible assumptions, stories, and beliefs that fuel dissatisfaction and motivate behaviors that don’t get us what we really want. 


How to discover and strengthen an inner source of personal power and practice responding, not reacting, to experiences and interactions that arise in daily life

Workshop at a Glance

In this two-day virtual workshop, you’ll collaborate with the Center for Deep Self Design’s Founder, Sunni (Sun) Brown—creator of the Deep Self Design® method—and Liya James, Co-Founder of the Center.

Supportive Cohort

You’ll work with and be inspired by accomplished, motivated peers from a range of backgrounds in a non-judgmental and compassionate space.

Multi-Sensory Learning

Experience fluent collaboration and interactive facilitation that uses multi-sensory techniques for embodied cognition and accelerated learning.

6 Month Access

For up to six months, you’ll get access to instructional recordings, guided meditations, and facilitated exercises from the workshop to support your practice

1:1 Personalized Support

After completing the workshop, there are five seats available for discounted 1:1 private strategy and support sessions. By Appointment Only.

Work With Deep Self Designers & Seasoned Facilitators

Sunni (Sun) Brown

Founder at CDSD & Creator of Deep Self Design®

An acclaimed author, veteran visual facilitator, and chief architect of Deep Self Design®, Sun has also trained for thousands of hours in za-zen, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Right Use of Power, and a powerful mind-body practice called Hakomi. Sun is also the highest-level practitioner of a revolutionary, evidence-based therapy called Internal Family Systems, developed by one of her mentors, Dr. Richard Schwartz. She has trained for 17 years with two revered spiritual teachers, Dr. Margaret Syverson, Sōtō Zen Priest with Dharma Transmission, and Dr. Flint Sparks, Sōtō Zen Priest and former Clinical Psychologist. She’s a Zen Chaplain-in-formation with the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, and is training in Applied Shamanism with Sacred Stream in Berkeley, CA.

Liya James

Co-founder at CDSD

Liya is an author, Deep Self Designer, former design executive, and a proven coach and advisor to successful entrepreneurs, changemakers, and leaders who are making a difference consciously and purposefully. She is a trained somatic healer certified in Trauma-Informed Coaching, Facilitation, Embodied Processing, and Root-Cause Therapy.

Her signature blend of business and leadership experience, combined with her skills in the healing arts, makes her an effective educator and facilitator. In addition to managing the Center for Deep Self Design, Liya also facilitates trainings, workshops, and 1:1 sessions for students.

Can you relate to most of this? If yes, this experience is for you.

  • You are interested in your capacity to change for the better and there’s a conscious link in your mind that self-work enhances work-work.

  • You are tired of cycling through the same habits in your life, work, and relationships and are actively seeking skills to make different and better choices.

  • You’re in the midst of creating a shift for more fulfilling life or work but don’t have a clear vision, strategy, or gameplan and are seeking tools to deepen your confidence and make a move.

  • You have fairly regularly been a seeker of personal development and self-discovery.

  • You actively prioritize or are comfortable with contemplation, self-reflection, and self-examination.

  • You are willing to develop skills to work with internal content that’s obstructing your potential in any area of your life.

  • You are actively seeking greater personal agency and are weary of not knowing what you want, not expressing what you want, and/or not having accessible and effective ways to give your aspirations momentum.

Discern your Readiness

Our offerings root best with collaborators in a state of Readiness. What Readiness means is:

  • You are sincere in your longing to grow up and wake up.

  • You are receptive to exploring your internal system—the Inner World—and becoming more self-aware.

  • You are willing to experience uncertainty and become productively uncomfortable in order to learn.

  • You are willing to cultivate self-compassion, even radical self-compassion, as well as benevolent self-regard.

  • You are committed to doing the work of emotional honesty because you believe in its value.

  • You have a genuine interest in being self-responsible even when circumstances are tough.

  • You are willing to experience temporary emotional discomfort to gain the gifts of self-knowledge and healing.

  • You are committed to doing work that can sometimes be turbulent and challenging and, therefore, extremely rewarding.

  • You will show up for the ongoing process of maturation and liberation. You may falter, but you will not give up on or abandon yourself.

Enrollment Information

Workshop Fee: $488

Upcoming 2024 Workshops:

All time zones listed are in Central Standard Time (CST). Convert to your own timezone.

Thu, May 23 - Fri, May 24

10:30a - 1:00p and 2:00p - 4:30p CST (both days)

Wed, Jul 17 - Thu, Jul 18

10:30a - 1:00p and 2:00p - 4:30p CST (both days)

Thu, Jul 25 - Fri, Jul 26

10:30a - 1:00p and 2:00p - 4:30p CST (both days)

Fri, Aug 16 - Sat, Aug 17

Friday: 10:30a - 1:00p and 2:00p - 4:30p CST

Saturday: 11:00a - 1:30p and 3p - 5:30p CST

Want to participate in a workshop but these dates and times don’t work for you?

Join our community to learn about future experiences.

Sensing the need for a journey tailored specifically to you? We also offer personalized 1:1 support.