The Deep Self Design® Method

You can become your own liberator. You have everything it takes.

Deep Self Design® is a powerful inner science that uses multi-sensory techniques to dissolve personal obstacles. It’s a method of life (re)design and self-authoring—nothing special required.

Deep Self Design® (DSD) is a multi-sensory method that combines five pools of knowledge for self-discovery, self-repair, and self-authoring.

Woven together, these five pools result in one potent multi-sensory technique to move you beyond intellect and into the terrain of your Inner World—your interior tide of thoughts, emotions, sensations, perceptions, beliefs, and stories about reality. Your Inner World matters because it happens largely outside of awareness yet directly impacts your choices, actions, behaviors, and decision-making, defining your felt sense of well-being and directing your energy and potential.

DSD shows you how to respectfully and benevolently work with invisible data in the Inner World so you are not in our own way when it comes to designing your life. It shows you how to become your own best friend—your greatest ally and deepest power source—co-creating with the Inner World and improving the outer world in the process.

Our Evidence-Based & Spiritual Roots

The DSD method draws the best from a diverse set of scientific, artistic, and pragmatic spiritual disciplines taught to us over almost two decades by exceptional and generous teachers. The method was set in motion after years of direct application and group prototyping.

After years of swimming in life-giving research that isn’t driven by marketing, Sun, creator of the method, grew weary of the well-intended but wonky advice that proliferates in the personal-growth arena.

Sun is a dedicated pragmatist who prizes and prioritizes things that work, in real time and in real life. This means you’ll find the method of Deep Self Design® to be a clear-headed, practical antidote to theoretical, wishful, fanciful, or magical-thinking methods of potentiation.

Precepts of the Deep Self Design® Method

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How Sun Became a Deep Self Designer

 In this work:

  • Your ego will never be the enemy. Deep Self Designers understand the ego to be a set of creative and functional strategic survival responses to causes and conditions that occurred as you grew up, many of which are just no longer helpful and need updating.

  • There are natural laws of inner physics, and you do not get to flout them. You’re welcome to do all kinds of system tests to understand these laws better, but at some point, you’ll have to respect them if you want to grow. Deep Self Design® is for sincere learners. It’s not a performance of exceptionalism. These natural laws do apply to you.

  • You will not be rigorously training in “good” habits. DSD is a long-game strategy and does not encourage behaviors that cycle and crash since they aren’t sustainable over the course of your life. Instead, DSD reorients you from the roots up so that any good habits you seek can flow naturally from there.

  • We will not ask you to perpetually “think positive,” “look for the bright side,” or assume a daily regimen of positive affirmations. These are exercises in self-delusion and are minimally effective.

  • You will never hear useless advice like “Don’t let X get to you.” You will only receive practical techniques to be compassionately with whatever X is and to identify what’s happening in you when X moves into your field of awareness.

  • We will not ask you to “stay strong” or “be fearless” when you feel fragile or afraid. This method does not see fear, or any other uncomfortable emotion, as a problem. These things are teachers. Full stop.

  • We will not focus on your “strengths” while attempting to banish your “weaknesses.” Instead, you will align your internal system and thus make it possible for your natural strength, intelligence, and creativity to lead.

  • There will be no “tackling your destructive thoughts” nor will you be asked to avoid “negative” thoughts or energies or be made to feel guilty for having them. Doing away with “negativity” in the mind and body is impossible and not a good use of your time and effort. It also has a stance of combat that’s anathema to this practice.

  • DSD will not try and drive you toward a goal. “Being all that you can be” is a Western ideal and misses the whole point of maturing. Potentiating is a life-long practice, the fruits of which can be immediately evident, but there is no state of perfection. You do not become superhuman or forever “enlightened” and leave your messy humanity behind.

  • We will never ask you to simply “believe us” when it comes to the application of this method. Your direct experience will be your guide, and your confidence will build based on authentic verification from your own system.

  • Sustained curiosity and radical self-compassion are the ground on which we stand. All parts of you are welcome—REPEAT: ALL PARTS ARE WELCOME—so you will eventually learn to respect and benevolently regard every aspect of your being. If you insist on clinging to the belief that you’re broken and something is wrong with you, Sun is not the teacher for you. We know it feels really real, but we don’t believe in your unworthiness.

  • DSD hinges on something generally unpopular: personal responsibility. This means that you will not be encouraged to blame your boss, your parents, or the world at large when things in your life are tough. The locus of responsibility will be centered in you and, while we wholly respect resistance to this notion and we will honor it together, learning to be the source of your own experience is a major power move. So there will be no guru other than yourself. You will become your own hero.

If you keep doing DSD in earnest, wonderful, odd things will happen. You’ll start saying no to things you don’t want to do but historically would have said yes to. You’ll speak in places you would previously not have spoken. You’ll be less reactive to obnoxious behavior, less irritated by imperfections. You’ll start to feel that maybe your needs do matter. You’ll take more creative risks. Eventually, you’ll internalize the divinity that is your essence and birthright. You’ll also see that same worthiness in everyone you meet.

No bones about it, the entire DSD enterprise is subversive and revolutionary. In this hype-driven, distraction-loving, crazy, mixed-up world, it is a radical act to become internally literate and emotionally honest, to reclaim your personal power. I understand if that’s a little daunting. You can turn back any time. Choose your own adventure.

Work with us

We work with a limited number of individuals 1:1 to help them access their Deep Selves and get to know their inner world in a benevolent way. Learn more here.